Monday, May 25. Day 71

Totally dropped the ball on the blog this week. But that’s a win for everyone. No mundane posts about how my vegetables are growing or what the weather has been like.

Just lots of pretty pictures. Mostly of the kittens.

The two brothers. No names yet. 

These guys have truly kept us entertained this week.


Tuesday, May 26. Day 72

Prissy Princess and her two brothers


Wednesday, May 27. Day 73

He loves them as much as I do


Thursday, May 28. Day 74

While we’re doing an entire week of pictures, here’s my daughter in Vegas with her social-distancing hair. I’m kind of loving it.



Friday, May 29. Day 75

Oh come on! How can you not love a bowl of kitty?



Saturday, May 30. Day 76

And unexpectedly, the honeybees have taken over my hummingbird feeders.


My googling has informed me that while they love this, it’s a less-concentrated form of sugar and dilutes their honey stores. 

I’ll try to relocate the feeders to a sunnier spot so the bees won’t be as attracted. I don’t mind feeding them, but nectar makes their honey more appropriate for their winter food.


Sunday, May 31. Day 77

Today, I had the delightful opportunity to help a friend celebrate his 65th birthday, outside, social distancing observed. I ran by the store on the way to his house.

Ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

It’s been a rough week. The pandemic, sure, but the horrifying death of George Floyd, and the militarization of the police forces in our cities as our citizens protest this injustice is brutally painful. Blogging about tomatoes and peppers, and how we’re managing the isolation didn’t hold the same appeal this week.

So, let’s do better.

Thanks for reading.